Castro located at an altitude of 225 metres on Monte del Dulce Nombre de Jesús, belonging to the parish of Pías. It was excavated at the beginning of the 20th century, and resumed in the years 1981-1992. It has a complex defence system, consisting of two ramparts, moat and parapeto. The first documented constructions are made from perishable materials (although they were later to be built in stone) and could be dated around the 5th century B.C.. Other constructions for common use have also been found, such as water deposits. Archaeological sources show the existence of receptacles fro grain, and a large number of hand mills to grind it. There is also evidence of barter with other settlements, since metallurgic activity involved the availability of raw materials from other distant places. The remains of imprted ceramics have been found, bronze objects and jewellery, together with coins minted in Gaul and other parts of the Empire.